EGSA Vacancy Public Financial Management

Dear Colleagues,

DevTech Systems, Inc. (DevTech) is an international consulting firm and small business dedicated to the development, with over 30 years of experience providing advisory services and technical assistance to government, private sector, and civil society stakeholders in more than 100 countries. We are a data-driven organization specializing in informing policy making by delivering focused, data-driven, evidence-based analysis products and services. DevTech core practice areas include Economic and Data analysis, Monitoring and Evaluation, Education and Youth Development, Gender and Inclusive Development, and Public Financial Management.

Devtech is implementing USAID funded Economic Growth Support Activity (EGSA) in Indonesia. EGSA enables evidence-based decision making through ongoing analysis linking the Indo-Pacific Strategy (IPS), Journey to Self-Reliance (J2SR), and Government of Indonesia (GOI) priorities and potential USAID/Indonesia assistance under USAID/Indonesia’s next Country Development Cooperation Strategy (CDCS); (ii)increases and improves GOI technical capacity in tax collection, public expenditure, and financial accountability; and (iii)Improves business enabling environment for foreign and domestic business entities.

The post EGSA Vacancy Public Financial Management appeared first on Devjobsindo ORG.

